Saturday, March 14, 2009

O'Brien on Swearing

I can honestly say that I have quite the potty mouth. And I have also found that many of the teachers that I work with also have bad mouths. However, I have noticed that many of you have posted about what to do about it.

I am going to take it upon myself to give you some ways to handle the bad mouths. First of all, if your grandma says it, it's probably not that big of a deal. Some cuss words are not that bad. A$$ and other such words just are not a big deal. So you don't need to freak out when you hear them.

Second, if you hear some of those really bad cuss words. Like really bad. Don't freak again. We are adults. I would correct the student using a different word and then walk away. Most the time they want to see what reaction that they are going to get from the words that they choose to use. And if you get a kid who doesnt get it. Wash his/her mouth out with worked on me when I was a kid! LOL. jk.


  1. I think how you handle some situations depends on what your school policy says. As we have discussed in class, it is important that all teachers are consistent. Students use language get a crazy reaction out of teachers, so all i can say is stay calm when you hear potty mouths.

  2. Seems like a lot of people have this topic on their blog.

    I like your idea of washing their mouth out with soap! Obviously the soap didn't work for you all the way until now? jk :)

    I think that kids really do want to see your reaction when they say a word like that, so correct them, and walk away so they don't get the attention they are looking for.

  3. I try to pick and choose my battles. Sometimes kids drop a bad word while in PE, I just make sure they understood that I heard it and they need to knock it off, its not the end of the world.
