Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fight Night 09'

Well if you have not already heard I broke my first fight up the other day. What a rush it was! I had just finished class and was headed to indulge in some Pendleton cafeteria food...oh how I love their food. Anyway, as I was walking I noticed two young ladies beating each other up. There were some great shots taken by both sides. The two young ladies went to the ground. I felt like I was watching a UFC fight. The second they hit the ground I dove in like a referee and split the fight up. My heart was racing and adrenaline was pumping. I successfully broke up my first "cat fight." Has anyone else had the opportunity to break up a fight at school? What would you do if this happened in your school?


  1. Well, I have not had the opportunity to break up a fight. I agree that my heart would be beating. Since, I am studenting teaching at my old high school it would be weird to see two students fighting that I know. I think you did the correct thing by getting on the floor and spliting the fight up as soon as you could. Well done. When i do see my first school fight I will try to stop it immediately before it gets out of hand and attracts other students.

  2. Good work, Im glad to see a person of your small stature willing to get in the middle and mix it up a little bit. That football playing has helped for something, not shying away from the contact.

  3. Well, i learned the hard way not to get BETWEEN the parties in question.
